Ghost Message
Project name: Ghost Message
Medium: book and performance
Trailer Duration: 4'00''
Year: 2020
Tags: #alienation #social_distance #broken_communication #simulation #obsession
Credits: Ksenia Bashmakova

The project's main theme is the problem of alienation in the social networks era. The project has two parts and includes a book and a performance in an exhibition space.
The starting point is my personal history and photo archive. These elements are closely intertwined with Steven Wilson's music album "Hand. Cannot. Erase", which is dedicated to the story of Joyce Vincent, a girl that was found in her own apartment 2 years after her death.

The image of a ghost, forever locked in a transitional state between the worlds of the living and the dead, becomes key to the emerging sense of insurmountable isolation. The economy of presence in online and offline space, the splitted dialogues, the exposure of messangers' internal architecture, the clash of funerary and festive digital rituals — these elements help to convey the feeling of frustration that arises when through the gaps in the flows of online communication shines an emptiness of infinite solitude.

If you want to watch trailer, please contact me:

All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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